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  • Writer's pictureRecording Tradition

What happened during Day 9

The most wanted day finally arrived! The videos our participants were preparing since the beggining of the exchange were about to be seeing in a public screening in Limassol, in the house of Friends of The Earth, an friendly organization that hosted us for a couple of hours.

After more than an hour travelling by bus to Limassol everyone wanted to strech their legs for a while, so after a little rest, the screening started. There weren’t that much audience to see it, but our colleagues of Friends of the Earth were absolutely astonished by the five videos about tradition that our participants made. Five different styles, with an incredible quality in the image as in the storytelling. Friends of the Earth even asked if they could use the videos to rise awarness about villages and its traditions.

Once the screening was finished our youngters had the change to discover Limassol by themselfs until 18:00. A few groups were made and they started to walk though the city, sightseeing and going to the beach. A well deserved chilling day for them.

Sadly, the first participants had to leave the exchange due to their flight schedules, so half of the spanish team said goodbye to their family for this eleven days and started their way back to their country.

When the bus came back to Dymes there wasn’t anything else to do for the rest of the day... People needed to rest for the final day and the farewell party!

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