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  • Writer's pictureRecording Tradition

What happened during Day 4

The 4th day of the project was very intense but interesting and productive. The participants had to continue with the activities started the day before Create Your Own Story but with different topic and input in order to be able to create their own story.

Starting with, the groups brainstorm traditions from different countries such us wedding, food, religion and so on and share them among the others.

Connecting this traditions with the next session, the story telling groups had to create the tradition of an imaginary country: to choose the name for the country, the history, some traditions, typical food etc. At the end the groups had to play a performance explaining to the rest of the group the culture of their nations. After that, the participants had time to reflect on the activity by comparing their imaginary countries to the reality. Specifically, the group discussed the whether different cultures split or unite people, the relations between nations and whether diversity is an opportunity. 

Later on, in order to improve the capacity of using different human senses, the participants were divided in couples for the session of Sensory Inspiration. One by one each person was blindfolded and guided around Dymes to discover flavors, smells, sensations. This walk aimed to inspire participants to enrich their stories.

After the lunch break, the session How to Collect Oral Stories prepared the participants to search and find good stories, how to respect the sources, how to understand the context, how to use it and when. Into the story telling groups, they decide an aspect of tradition and they prepare some questions around the issue, in order to implement the interview in the next day in Agros.

The co-work time then was followed when each participant got the chance to share their skills and knowledge with other participants. It was so interesting to see that participants get a diversity of new knowledge from the Bulgarian Martenitsa to Yoga and photo editing.

During the night, a Traditional Games Night took place and it was very funny and nostalgic at the same time. Each national group shared a traditional game to the group, giving some time for all to understand it and implement it. Sometimes the participants have not played those games since the childhood making the moment more nostalgic and reflective while at the same time some of the participants did not know the game and they just enjoyed it with enthusiasm and of course fun.

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