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What happened during Day 2

Dear and fantastic Recording Tradition fans welcome to the second day of our Youth Exchange!

As the first day, the second was full of interesting and unforgettable activities. After the breakfast served by the YEU Cyprus team under a nice sun, the activities started with the session “What is tradition?”. During the session, the participants could understand that the tradition is a mix of different points of view, that often it is a result of a long elaboration and that the value of a tradition does not last forever. For a better understanding of the topic the participants enjoyed the game and the session “The memory paradox”: the group was divided in two teams and every person had to report to only one person a story which the facilitator narrated to them and then an oral chain was created where each participant narrate the same story to another. The result was very interesting as the story that the last person narrate was not similar to the initial one, additionally, the two teams had two completely different versions from the initial narration.

During the lunch time a huge storm covered the village of Dymes leaving the sun behind. However, we did not let rain ruin our day, so our heroes without fear have continued the activities. The next session was “A sweet childhood taste”. Each national team shared with the others some traditional candies and chocolates from their countries. All the participants were encourage to remember something from their past with the help of the sweeties, to realise that we have five senses and we can use all of them to enjoy our life.

After the coffee break the participants took a time for reflection group and then the preparation of intercultural evening was started.

The Intercultural night was amazing and full of new knowledge and fun! Every national team prepared some traditional food and beverages, sharing them with the other teams. In addition to that participants explained some cultural traditions in their country including songs, dances and historical facts. At the end the day was very long but useful and amazing!

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